The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane

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1 Response

  1. Ian Topham says:

    Re: The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane
    According to the author Andrew Green: ‘The list of famous personalities who have seen the apparition is noteworthy. During the 1960’s Harry Secombe and his dresser saw ‘the figure of a tall man in a grey cloak’and later, after the performance of ‘The Four Musketeers’, Harry claimed that, ‘The whole ruddy cast saw him once’. Some ten years earlier, W. Macqueen Pope stated that, ‘On one occasion it was seen by over 150 people, all at the same time, but another 100 who were present at the performance saw nothing at all. This is how it goes’. Doreen Duke when auditioning for ‘The King and I’received a friendly pat on the back by an unseen force, and Betty Jo Jones, when playing in ‘Oklahoma’felt a tug at her skirts and was gently pushed downstage to a new, and better position. Stanley Lupino and his wife saw the apparition of another of the phantoms resident in the building, that of Dan Leno and the third ghost is believed to be of Joe Grimaldi, though I would have expected him to appear at Sadlers Wells where he made his first appearance. The identity of the man in grey, described as wearing ‘a long grey riding coat, knee breeches, buckled shoes and a three-cornered hat over a powdered wig’has never been established though some believe him either to be Arnold Woodruffe or Thomas Hallam. One of these two fellow-actors was killed by Charles Macklin in the Green Room in the 1700’s during a fit of jealous rage.’