Buckinghamshire Revenant

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3 Responses

  1. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Buckinghamshire Revenant
    Dating this case exactly would first require identifying when there was an Archdeacon of Buckinghamshire called Stephen.

    I suppose we can discount the following years:
    1170–1173: David, Archdeacon of Buckinghamshire
    1174 – : Nicholas, Archdeacon of Buckinghamshire

  2. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Buckinghamshire Revenant
    ‘On the following night, however, having entered the bed where his wife was reposing, he not only terrified her on awaking, but nearly crushed her by the insupportable weight of his body.’

    I wonder if this is an early account of possible sleep paralysis or old hag syndrome. 

  3. DECIES542 says:

    Re: Buckinghamshire Revenant
    The action of this revenant is that which Incubi use when adopting the male form of that
    spirit.The intention of such is to suffocate the victim who must be asleep by squatting on
    the victims chest.