Government House and the Apparition of Major Blomberg to the Governor of Dominica

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2 Responses

  1. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Government House and the Apparition of Major Blomberg …
    If Dr Blomberg was aged 21 in 1781, then he must have been born around 1760.  If the events surrounding the apparition took place during the American War, as some of the above suggest, then he may have been a teenager when the ghost appeared, as the American Revolutionary War started 1 September 1774 and ended 3 September 1783.  Unless there was another American War.

    Between 1798 and 1808 Dr Blomberg was the Vicar of St Andrew’s Church in Banwell.

  2. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Government House and the Apparition of Major Blomberg …
    Karen e-mailed in to rightly point out that – ‘Before the Revolution, there was The French and Indian War (7 Years War) which saw many British soldiers and officers come to American soil. The dates are generally from 1754-1763 which agrees nicely with the narrative.’