St Mary’s Church, Wanstead

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1 Response

  1. Ian Topham says:

    Re: St Mary’s Church, Wanstead
    The following additional information was e-mailed into the website:

    Sir Charles Blount and his wife Lady Penelope Blount (Lord and Lady Devonshire – she being the former Penelope Rich, married to Robert Rich and the brother of Essex – Robert Devereux). The Devonshire’s marriage was disallowed by King James following Penelope’s divorce from Robert Rich. Sir Charles died 4 months later while attempting to appeal the King’s decision and Penelope died a year later while defending her rights to their Estate. They were the owners of Wanstead House at this time (1603-1607) and both of their burials (he supposedly at Westminster Abbey and she supposedly at a church yard near the Tower of London). I believe that they both may have been secretly buried at Wanstead House, probably near St. Mary’s Church. Their lawyer, Joseph Earth, was the Executor of their Estate when they died, and he is purported to have been buried at Wanstead in 1609. The Earl of Southampton was much involved with this situation as his wife Elizabeth was thwe favorite cousin of Penelope. There was a lot of disturbance surrounding Wanstead in the years 1606 and 1607 concerning the fate of the owners and the Estate itself, and this may have caused the spiritual upheaval that is believed to be happening there since.