Specific Location: Culloden Moor

Culloden House

The house that exists stands on the foundations of a house where Bonnie Prince Charlie is said to have stayed with the Forbes family before the disastrous battle of Culloden in 1746.

Culloden Battlefield

The moor – site of the last battle on British soil -has its share of ghostly traditions, perhaps befitting for the scene of so much bloodshed and slaughter. The Battle of Culloden – April 16th 1746 – marked the fall of the Jacobite rebellion of 1745, which sought to restore the Stuart monarchy to the throne.

Balnuaran of Clava

The Clava Cairns – or more correctly Balnuaran of Clava – is one of the best preserved Bronze Age burial sites in Scotland. There are three cairns here, two with passage ways aligned to the Midwinter sunset, and all with more subtle features, incorporated to reflect the importance of the South-west horizon.