Headless Black Dog

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3 Responses

  1. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Headless Black Dog
    Close to this area is Woefuldane Bottom and carters were said blindfold their horses whilst passing this stretch enroute to market, fearful of a black dog.  So the tradition of this area being associated with a black dog goes back some time.

  2. Columbine says:

    Re: Headless Black Dog
    Strange, I live right near there and have never heard anything of the sort. Then again I suppose I’ve never gone and asked. I have a free day tomorrow; I might run up and have a poke about, see if I can’t find anything else out. 

  3. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Headless Black Dog
    According to the Paranormal database it is called the ‘Hound of Odin’.  I found a piece by Andrew Green mentioning the case and Trystan Swale (ASSAP) in a BBC Glouscestershire article also refers to the case.  Both refer to the Daily Express article.  I hope that helps Columbine 🙂