Specific Location: Loch Tay


Ghost In A Coffin

The following account was published in “The peat-fire flame : folk-tales and traditions of the Highlands & Islands” by Alasdair Alpin MacGregor (1937). ‘Connected with Breadalbain is the folk-tale of a ghost that attempted...


Loch Tay Black Dog

The following account was published in “The peat-fire flame : folk-tales and traditions of the Highlands & Islands” by Alasdair Alpin MacGregor (1937). ‘There is told among the clachans fringing the shores of Loch...


Loch Tay White Bird

‘A strange fragment, still recounted in Breadalbain, concerning a ferryman, who lived on the north side of Loch Tay, and who one evening heard a shrill whistle as of someone wanting to cross the...


Loch Tay Balls Of Fire

The following account was published in ‘The Peat-fire Flame’ (1937) by Alasdair Alpin MacGregor. ‘There is a story told in Breadalbain of two gealhhain, or balls of fire, which were seen flitting over the...

Croft Moraig

One of the most impressive and easy to access stone circles in the Tay valley: Croft Moraig is situated just off the A827 between Aberfeldy and the head of Loch Tay. The sites long history as a changing ritual centre in the Neolithic and early Bronze Age make it one of the most important monuments in the area.