Category: Witchcraft

Molly Leigh

In St John’s graveyard, Burslem, can be found the last resting place of Molly Leigh, a local woman accused of being a witch but dying before she could be brought to trial. Her body is the only one positioned North to South, putting it at a right angle to every other grave in the cemetery. The story of Molly Leigh is a mixture of fact and folklore that has grown over the years.


Crossroad Blues

“I went down to the Crossroads, fell down on my knees” Robert Johnson.
When Robert Johnson sang of the Crossroads down in the 1930’s Mississippi Delta, he was paying homage to a tradition that has existed in varied forms for centuries, and at the same time adding his own contribution to the wealth of folklore that exists around the crossing place of two highways.


Witchcraft Act 1542

The Bill ayest conjuraracons & wichecraftes and sorcery and enchantmants.


Witchcraft Act 1580

An Acte against sedicious Wordes and Rumours uttered againste the queenes moste excellent Majestie.


Witchcraft Act 1604

An Acte against conjuration Witchcrafte and dealinge with evill and wicked Spirits.


Witchcraft Act 1763

An Act to repeal the Statute made in the First Year of the Reign of King James the First, intituled, An Act against Conjuration, Witchcraft, and dealing with evil and wicked Spirits, except so much thereof as repeals an Act of the Fifth Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, Against Conjurations, Inchantments, and Witchcrafts, and to repeal an Act passed in the Parliament of Scotland in the Nint