Daylight sighting of saucer, Wolverhampton
2008 15 or 16 september approx 3-30pm
2008 15 or 16 september approx 3-30pm
There was a thunderstorm heading to Wolverhampton, I was standind on my back step watching the lightning. Suddenly I noticed an object in the sky coming from the West. At first I thought it was a light aircraft but realised that it was eliptical with a raised dome on the top, and silent. The object was grey in colour, but the dome was a bronze colour.
As it came over my head it took on a more oval shape, dark grey against grey thundery sky.
It flew silently until it was directly over my house, (by now I was transfixed to the object and had stepped out into the yard to keep it in sight) The object was right overhead and was clearly a round grey shape, just slightly smaller than a one pence piece held at arms length. The object then began to rise higher into the sky, getting smaller and smaller until it was a dark dot, then rose higher until it vanished from my vision.
I remember feeling at the time that I felt a little uneasy, I have no idea what this object was, I could not identify it as a conventional aircraft.
There was no sound at all, the duration of the sighting lasted approx 40-50 seconds.
Rob Preston. any questions write to
Three pieces of advice: have
Three pieces of advice: have you tried asking your neighbours and local people if they saw something too? Have you checked local newspapers for reports (your local public library is the first place to go)? Can you give an extimate of the height/speed of the sighting, perhaps comparing it to a known object?
Also was it flying with prevailing wind or against it? Which flying object would be more similar to its flying pattern: an airplane, a balloon, a bird, a kite, none of these?
In Distortion We Trust
As the object was so small
As the object was so small (angular size) and silent, a balloon has to be a likely possibility. It is difficult to work out the size of the object since we don’t know its height. It could, for instance, be a ‘toy’ balloon which come in all sorts of shapes.
Hi Rob, welcome to the forum
Hi Rob, welcome to the forum 🙂
Hi Rob
Thnks for posting, I
Hi Rob
Thnks for posting, I did have a similar experience with a silver object in my teens but I put it down to being a balloon of some sort, although it looked very spherical for one of the silver type of balloons at the time – no way of proving what it was though, and I think that is always the difficulty with such sightings.
Dan, what is a ‘Thnks’ ?
Dan, what is a ‘Thnks’ ? 🙂
Ian Topham wrote:
Dan, what
[quote=Ian Topham]Dan, what is a ‘Thnks’ ? :)[/quote]
I too had a similar
I too had a similar experience. This time it was two spherical objects which seemed to move in and out of a cloud. Didn’t seem to rise or fall, more like danced in and out of the same bit of cloud for at least 20 mins. Not sure what they were, but always thought they were most likely to be weather ballons.
Daylight saucer Wolverhampton
Hi everyone, thanks for replying to me. Sorry for delay getting back to you.
I will try to answer your questions as acurately as possible.
No people/neighbours said that they had seen anything.
I did check local papers but didnt see any reports.
I didnt check out library.
As regards the height of the object, its very difficult to say, but it was low , possibly same height as light aircraft, if so it might make the object approx 20 feet diameter.
The speed probably bit slower than light aircraft, but silent.
Don’t know wind direction.
It wasn’t bird/birds … not conventional aircraft … I didnt think it was a balloon of any sort … couldnt have been a kite.
It flew in an arc from West to South/West … stopped and hovered for a few seconds, and then rose straight up into the sky until out of sight, from hover until out of sight was about 10 seconds.
Thats what intriged me most, is that it disapeared straight up in only a few seconds.
I would just like to add that I do not believe in aliens and interplanetary craft, but I do believe that a lot of these ufo sightings are top-secret experimental projects.
Rob wrote:
As regards the
[quote=Rob]As regards the height of the object, its very difficult to say, but it was low , possibly same height as light aircraft, if so it might make the object approx 20 feet diameter[/quote]
That’s the problem. If you don’t know its size, you can’t work out its height and vice versa. How do you know it was low?
Height of object
To Mystery shopper,
Yes you are right, but I did say it was hard to estimate, But you see, you can make an educated guess I suppose. I mean, you can tell an airliner is thousands of feet up, ie, visibility, familiarity direction etc … a light aircraft you have probably got some idea how big/high it is , the same as a hot air balloon just seems to hang in the sky, even close by. The object I saw didnt look high in the sky, it looked quite low, therefore it wasnt anything as big as an airliner, it didnt look anything like the size of a airliner, you have a sort of idea. Unlike a night time sighting, this had a definite circular shape not just a light or two. I have no idea as to what I saw, Ive already stated that I do not beleive that we are being visited by aliens … I just can’t identify what I actually saw. I hope this helps a bit.
Yes, Esra or Ezra is the name of the bowler hatted gent, he is still there altho not every day.
The cowboy is still around Wolvo and Bilston, but in a different guise … he approached me in Bilston and thrust a small leaflet into my hand , he said that he is working for the lord, when asked where his guns were, he replyed. "There is no place for firearms in the place of god"
Yes, he has become a preacher like Ezra, maybe not the same faith or religion though.
I’d just like to conclude that every time I go into Wolverhampton, I probably come away just as confused as any alien passing by would be, there certainly are a lot of strange characters up there … still it takes all sorts to make the world go round doesn’t it folks!
All the best Rob.
Rob wrote:To Mystery
[quote=Rob]To Mystery shopper,
Yes you are right, but I did say it was hard to estimate, But you see, you can make an educated guess I suppose. I mean, you can tell an airliner is thousands of feet up, ie, visibility, familiarity direction etc … a light aircraft you have probably got some idea how big/high it is , the same as a hot air balloon just seems to hang in the sky, even close by. The object I saw didnt look high in the sky, it looked quite low, therefore it wasnt anything as big as an airliner, it didnt look anything like the size of a airliner, you have a sort of idea. Unlike a night time sighting, this had a definite circular shape not just a light or two. I have no idea as to what I saw, Ive already stated that I do not beleive that we are being visited by aliens … I just can’t identify what I actually saw. I hope this helps a bit.
Yes but those are all familiar objects. You can guess how high they are because you know roughly how big they are. With an unknown object that is not possible. Unless an unknown object interacts with other things, like clouds, trees or hills (or you can shine a light on it) there is no way you can tell how high or how big it is.
Lower than the dark thunder
Lower than the dark thunder clouds, higher than highest leylandi trees around … I didn’t see it actually fly past any object , I caught sight of it just past the leylandi in my garden. It didnt fly in front of anything, I’m afraid I can’t tell you much else.
not the blimp?
Hi Rob.
I don’t know what you saw but to rule out a possibility, did you check whether the Goodyear Blimp was flying at the time?
I studied in Wolverhampton for a while and saw the Blimp on a couple of occasions. You are probably more familiar at seeing it, but perhaps from certain angles/ lighting it may be vaguer. The sudden disappearance vertically is very curious though.
Best Wishes
Daylight saucer
Thanks for your reports.
Hi Andy, No it certainly wasn’t the goodyear airship. You are right, I am very familiar with the airship. What I saw was the classic flying saucer shape, I had a side view prob 35 degrees ( it appeared flatish with raised dome ) then as it came right overhead it was a perfect circular shape.
all the best.
not the blimp
Thought you’d probably have considered the blimp, but just to rule out another possibility. 🙂
I’ve even looked on the internet for toy balloons, these chinese lantern thingies and any other larger type balloons to see if I could class the object I saw under such, but no, I can’t see anything that remotely resembles it. I must reiterate that what I saw was a lot bigger than a toy balloon, it looked a very solid structure and altho flew in an arc, was very steady.
Hi Rob
thinking if an Alien
Hi Rob
thinking if an Alien lifeform made their first contact in Wolverhampton they’d leave with a strange impression! I mean that in a nice way, are the Cowboy and the Bowler-hatted preacher still hanging about outside the Mander Centre? I heard the Ring Road Tramp sadly died, he was my favourite, reminded me of a Mystic from the Dark Crystal.
Ha! Excellent. Thanks for
Ha! Excellent. Thanks for the Wolves update, Rob.
So Dave the Cowboy has found the Lord (I bet the Lord is chuffed about that! Was probably hiding from him)got some neck, he gave me some grief for wearing a crucifix once (in between condemning Paddy Ashdown for his extra-marital shenanigans and I dunno what else, possibly something about Wimbledon).
Ezra’s prayers must be doing him some good mind, he looked as old as Methusalah in the mid 90’s.
Digressing a bit from UFO’s .. but hell, Wolverhampton is just as weird :}
“Lower than the dark
“Lower than the dark thunder”! That would make a great name for a book or song!
You know, I thought the very
You know, I thought the very same thing when I read it back! Actually, I do write lyrics and make music and attempt singing, its only a hobby/interest but it keeps me off the streets!
Re: Daylight sighting of saucer, Wolverhampton
I have not personally seen a UFO myself but my mother did and a more sane and honest person than she never lived.
In about 1975 (not sure of the year exactly) she had taken the family dog, a medium sized bearded collie type, for her evening walk at 9pm. It was near midsummer being light until after 10pm. She nearly always followed the same route and did so that evening, down the avenue, turning left into the village road to walk under a railway bridge some 80 yards away, which leads straight up to the neighbouring village, having fields and a few houses on either side. These villages are in South Staffordshire.
As she approached the bridge, the dog, Sally, sat down and began to tremble violently, started whining (something she never usually did), began to breathe and pant rapidly and absolutely refused to move in any direction – this was so unusual as Sally was the most biddable and gentle of dogs. My mother realised that there was something up ahead so dropped Sally’s lead and went under the bridge, which was about 20 feet across, to see what was there.
As she looked to the left, where there is a field, which is even now, almost always left fallow, she saw the most remarkable sight she had ever seen – the field is about 70 yards wide and probably goes back at least half a mile and in it, filling almost all of the width was what can only be described as an aluminium craft – it was circular, shaped like two dinner plates, the hollow sides meeting together with ‘port-holes’ at intervals around the centre. There appeared to be some form of light in these port-holes and the ‘craft’ seemed to be about 15 feet tall at its highest point. it was resting on what were described at ‘struts’.
There was no sound whatsoever and my mother stated that she was so absolutely amazed that she did not remember being frightened – just absolutely fascinated and what she could only describe as feeling privileged that she should see such a thing. She thought that she stood there for two or three minutes and as she stared, the craft began to revolve, at first slowly and then accelerated at enormous velocity, ascended and vanished towards the North East of Wolverhampton. It reflected the setting sun as it spun away. There was still no noise even when it accelerated.
She did not go to look in the field at that time as she looked round and saw that Sally was still ‘glued’ to the spot and thought she had better take her home. Sally by this time was still in a very nervous state but allowed herself to be lead home at a very smart pace, obviously glad to leave the place. This is and was, at the time, a very quiet road and no traffic had used it during the relevant time.
When my mother arrived home, my father commented that she had taken a long time for the walk that night and it was then realised that she may have been looking at this craft for a lot longer that she thought. The actual walk from the house to that spot takes about three minutes – she had been gone for almost forty-five minutes! The dog was as normal when she reached the house, but ever after would not go for a walk past that field.
The next day my father and mother went to the field – there was no evidence whatsoever of anything unusual there – no marks on the ground indicating that a heavy object had been there- nothing at all.
However, there were several reports of unusual objects being seen by various people in the Wolverhampton area on the night in question in the local media.
I just wonder why Sally had not run away – could it have been that she did not want to leave her owner in danger? -I just don’t know – it’s another of those intriguing, fascinating happenings which seem to be deemed to be forever a mystery.
I have been told of other sightings in Staffordshire but have been unable to verify – however they were told to me by compos mentis folks who had no reasons to lie.
Could they be some sort of government experimentation or do we have visitors from other worlds/galaxies?
Re: Daylight sighting of saucer, Wolverhampton
See fuller explanation of sighting below