strange image

strange image

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7 Responses

  1. Daniel Parkinson says:

    Re: strange image
    One more thing the black object was not in a previous photo taken moments before.

  2. Mysteryshopper says:

    Re: strange image
    [quote=Daniel Parkinson]One more thing the black object was not in a previous photo taken moments before.[/quote]

    Do you have that previous photo so we can see it? Other photos taken at the same time are often helpful in deciding what someing weird is.

  3. Daniel Parkinson says:

    Re: strange image
    here are two better scans that were sent through – the original was a 35 m film, this new picture clearly shows the black object as a reflection in the water. The second picture was the first image taken.



  4. Daniel Parkinson says:

    Re: strange image
    and here is a close up


  5. Ian Topham says:

    Re: strange image
    So it is just a reflection in the river then.

  6. Mysteryshopper says:

    Re: strange image
    [quote=Ian Topham]So it is just a reflection in the river then.[/quote]

    Looks like it. Possibly of a tree on the bank. Just shows how useful a second photo taken at the time is!

  7. Daniel Parkinson says:

    Re: strange image
    I would guess that the two figures are a simulacra, made up from dead grass that can be seen on the other side of the river in the second photo. The light shining through the trees has made it stand out.