The Headless Horseman of Dungee Corner

The Headless Horseman of Dungee Corner

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5 Responses

  1. Ian Topham says:

    Re: The Headless Horseman of Dungee Corner
    I have never heard of this Headless Horseman Prusakowski.  There a few tales of areas where horses get a bit skitish, such as crossing some bridges etc  that are said to be haunted by witches or black dogs.  I’ll have to get this one up in our Gazatteer.  Can I use the story above about your Great Grandfather?

  2. Prusakowski says:

    Re: The Headless Horseman of Dungee Corner
    re “I’ll have to get this one up in our Gazeteer.” Please do. In terms of quality control, I should have used the ‘preview post’ function….apologies for not editing out the typographical errors in that prior posting.

    By the way, another haunting in the same nearby locality there in the East Midlands is at Rushden Hall. If I may, I shall post the details on the forum by separate mail.


  3. Ian Topham says:

    Re: The Headless Horseman of Dungee Corner
    Thanks Prusakowski đŸ™‚

  4. Prusakowski says:

    Re: The Headless Horseman of Dungee Corner
     An elderly local lady Erica Mead of Wymington born 1923 gave her input to the tale with an English Civil War reference noting that skirmishes between the Roundheads and Cavaliers are recorded  for Wymington near a former windmill (used as a vantage point and now long demolished) ;  

    "The headless horseman who rides round Dungee Corner at midnight; Was he a Cavalier or Roundhead? The Orlebars and St.Lukes (two prominent local families in the area) were Roundheads.   Did they slice his head off? Who knows? Now only ‘The old ghostly Rider’ looking  for his head does……"
  5. BaronIveagh says:

    Re: The Headless Horseman of Dungee Corner

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