What Is A Ghost?
There are many theories out there concerning exactly what ghosts are. No theory currently explains all aspects witnessed concerning apparitions and hauntings in general. Amongst the popular theories are that ghosts are trapped spirits, a recorded image as in the stone tape theory or perhaps hallucinations of some sort induced by an environmental factor such as Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs).
There are many theories out there concerning exactly what ghosts are. No theory currently explains all aspects witnessed concerning apparitions and hauntings in general. Amongst the popular theories are that ghosts are trapped spirits, a recorded image as in the stone tape theory or perhaps hallucinations of some sort induced by an environmental factor such as Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs).
After being involved in studies looking into EMFs at haunted locations I am inclined to believe they play a key role in hauntings generally but they can still be shoe horned into other theories, such as refering to them as spiritual energy.
I think personal bias will effect the way in which we all approach an investigation, therefore it may be useful to discuss some of the theories we champion, look at their strengths and weaknesses and discuss the best way to devise experiments around them.
Stone Tape Theory
Stone Tape Theory
This theory has probably been around since the 1970’s. The theory assumes that at times of extreme stress living beings emit a kind of energy that can be absorbed by inanimate objects, stored and then played back. Hence we get apparations, footsteps etc re-creating the stored hisorical scene.
There have been comments made about this theory that suggest the viewer needs to be psychic or that the viewer’s brainwaves have to be in a certain state. Which could explain why they are not seen all the time.
The Stone Tape Theory would certainly account for many aspects of hauntings, such as why a certain ghost doesn’t interact with the modern environment. It would certainly account for the repetative nature of many hauntings.
There are obvious flaws. It cannot account for ghost’s that may appear to interact with the modern environment. What is this energy and how can it be measured? What objects can record these scenes, bricks, mortar, tarmac etc? Ghosts have been reported in all types of environments inside buildings and outside. What triggers the replay? How come they are not triggered more often?
The theory is interesting but would be very hard to prove scientifically. However, it is worth thinging about. What are your views on the Stone Tape Theory?
Ghosts as Spirits
If this is
Ghosts as Spirits
If this is correct then ghosts can be seen as proof of the survival of consciousness after death and re-enforce many of our religious beliefs.
But do ghosts actually display consciousness. If they had intelligence wouldn’t they interact with the modern environment? Apparitions have been seen walking through walls or at floor levels that no longer exist. If a ghost was intelligent wouldn’t it use a door or walk on our floor levels?
Has anyone actually communicated with an apparition? I’m not talking about using a psychic or oui ja board or getting it to make rapping noises etc, as these could be something else entirely. A haunting could be a whole series of strange experiences that have different explanations. Just because a clairvoyant has made contact with a spirit does not mean the apparition that has been in that location has been communicated with.
I once had a ghost walk through me and I have interviewed many witnesses to apparitions and still feel there is no evidence of ghostly apparitions showing any intelligence or consciousness. Has anyone else?
Naked ghosts
[quote=Ian Topham]Ghosts as Spirits
If this is correct then ghosts can be seen as proof of the survival of consciousness after death and re-enforce many of our religious beliefs.[/quote]
Have there been many reports of naked ghosts? I ask because, given that items of clothing are inanimate, non-sentient objects, it stands to reason that they have no spirit or soul to outlive their material existence.
The following quote is taken
The following quote is taken from an Article by Dr Jason Braithwaite and appears in full at http://www.ASSAP.org where he discusses the MADS project. I strongly advise that you visit this site and read their articles on EMFs.
[quote]"The idea that some apparitional phenomena and haunt-type experiences have a magnetic component to them has been gaining considerable currency over recent years. The evidence looks obtained so far looks promising. The laboratory evidence, using weak, complex magnetic fields to stimulate hallucinations, is compelling though the field-based research is found wanting in many respects. One of the problems with the field-based research is that most of the technology used so far is wholly inappropriate and could be misleading. There are two main ideas about the role of magnetic fields. One is that haunted locations contain complex magnetic anomalies (similar to those artificially produced in lab experiments) that have brain stimulatory properties; the experience of apparitions is seen here as a magnetically induced hallucination. The other idea is that apparitions exist as external paranormal phenomena that are themselves magnetic or related to magnetic fields in some other, unspecified way. One popular variation of this theory is that apparitions produce electromagnetic disturbances, particularly when they first appear. "[/quote]
I am personally convinced that there is magnetic component to hauntings as described above. Sorry Jason, I couldn’t put it better than you.
Looks like a big jigsaw
Looks like a big jigsaw puzzle to me and we need to find the right pieces before putting it all together.
There are a few interesting
There are a few interesting points regarding the theory that ghosts are hallucinations induced by EMFs (Electromagnetic Fields).
1) How can photographs be taken of hallucinations?
2) How can it explain two differant people having very similar experiences in the same location, several years apart and with prior knowledge of said location or the haunting?
As you know Ian i’m skepical
As you know Ian i’m skepical about this EMF buisness but gradualy warming to it.
Assuming that Electomagnetic Fields have an effect on the Human brain.
Its possible that two people years apart can have similar experiences if said magnetic field is… lets say cyclic (is that a real word ?). What i mean is, if the magentic field only comes round once in every 7 years (for arguments sake) then the only way an experience is going to be had is if a person is stood in the exact area or very close to where it has happened before. Does this make any sense ?
Only EMF’s of a certain
Only EMF’s of a certain frequency, amplitude and complexity are considered able to induce these exeperiences. These specific Experience Inducing Fields are likely to be in these haunted locations most of the time, but they may be just one of the components involved in inducing an experience. In Muncaster the fact the bed is magnetised is also a key element and affects the fields greatly, hence people having experiences in the bed. The length of expose will have an effect too and the fields may even cause a cascade in the brain that leads to an experience a few hours later. Not everyones brain will be susceptible to the fields either, maybe only 20-30% of the population. People with certain types of epilepsy are more susceptible.
But how does it explain differant people having very similar experiences, years apart without prior knowledge? I’m not sure……yet.
I think we can assume EMF’s play a key part in hauntings but they are just part of the puzzle.
Check out some of the articles on ASSAP’s website, such as,
for more details on the Event Inducing Fields, their field frequency and field amplitude .
Yet another theory. Are
Yet another theory. Are ghosts that we see made up of water droplets in the air? Some testing of relative humidity may be useful here.
I keep thinking about this
I keep thinking about this post and the EMF’s. I have heard theories that ghosts create the EMF’s or even that they use the EMF’s as a source of power to enable them to form. This is why a lot of paranormal groups use hand held EMF detectors, such as those seen on Most Haunted. Are those devices really suitable to find and investigate the types of fields mentioned above?
Red Don wrote:
I have heard
[quote=Red Don]I have heard theories that ghosts create the EMF’s or even that they use the EMF’s as a source of power to enable them to form.[/quote]
Maybe they are right, who knows. I don’t personally subscibe those theories though. It would interesting to see what experiments could be done to try and prove them.
The hand held devices are
The hand held devices are good for doing site examinations and getting a good idea of the EMF’s present. We use them ourselves. Obviously they aren’t as useful as the MADS for doing detailed mapping of EMFs, but not many groups will actually be doing this. Groups have to work to a budget.
Sometimes too much equipment distracts you from actually sitting and observing. Some of the most interesting vigils I have been on have been with the bare minimum of equipment.
ah the EMF – well they do
ah the EMF – well they do what they are supposed to do – detect mains plug sockets. thats it. nothing more. You need a far better, far more sensitive sensor to detect complex waves. I agree with ian – the readings are fine, but if you see anything wierd then write it down. Sometimes the instrument readings are a distraction as there is NO equipment to detect ghosts (or UFO’s for that matter) and they can be a distraction. Same as photographs – I am sick of orbs! get a grip and a few witnesses – multiple witness UFO sightings have a longer shelf life than photo’s etc…
I think the main question is
I think the main question is what type of phenomena EM fields can induce. From what I’ve read on the matter, they can certainly induce the lower-level reports such as shadowy movements or sensations of fear, but writers such as Albert Budden have made an unsubstantiated leap in ascribing the sighting of full apparitions to EMF.
Ever since the progressive
Ever since the progressive disappearance of traditional film cameras I have noticed a steady reduction of the good ghost photographs.
Traditional film is quite sensitive to a number of agents: for example beta and gamma radiations have been shown to be able to impress photographic film (for example take a look at the first Chernobyl pictures, taken from rescue helicopters).
If I remember correctly there have been just a few studies on the matter, mainly in the field of analytical chemistry, but as I said the recent development of digital methods has cut interest in the matter.
There are some good articles
There are some good articles about EMFs and hallucinations on the ASSAP website.
The "ghosts use emfs to materialise" argument is simply false and has never been made in the scientific literature.
Highly complex, weak, EMFs can interefere with neural processes – but only in susceptible brains.
These fields can induce sensory hallucination (via mild seizure) and can also induce delusional beliefs about sensory events (i.e., a bang / rap – being a ghost).
It is the temporal complexity and not the field strength per-se that is important (though obviously some strength is required)
There is still a lot of work
There is still a lot of work to be done on EM fields and I think it needs some more good research in the field at locations where people are reporting having these experiences, as well in laboratories recreating these fields if possible.
If ghosts do emmit EMF, does
If ghosts do emmit EMF, does this stimulate the light sensitive particals in camera film? This may be why when people take a picture they see nothing unusual, but when the film is developed, they see something out of the ordinary.
EM waves can be refracted (like light) but i don’t know whether this is the same for EMF. If it is, then people that see ghosts may be veiwing them through a different medium such as a thin veil of water vapour. This would cause the EMF to slow down (if it is possible) and turn it into a visible source.
This may be the same with digital cameras, as they use a prism to split light into red, green and blue. All of this may be complete rubbish, but its a neat idea.
Admin wrote:If ghosts do
[quote=Admin]If ghosts do emmit EMF, does this stimulate the light sensitive particals in camera film? [/quote]
The type of EM field detected by EMF meters are the electric and / or magnetic field components produced by mains electricity (as well as those of a similar extremely low frequency). These have no effect whatever on film or digital cameras.
EMF meters can only tell you the aggregate reading over a spread of frequencies that they are sensitive to. As such, they are no real use for detecting the kinds of fields that produce hallucinations.
The idea that ghosts emit EM fields does not appear to be supported by any empirical evidence. Has anyone actually got a reading while watching an apparition? Even once? I really doubt it! I think it is mostly a prop used by the TV ghost hunting fraternity and their imitators to appear scientific.
So do you consider the hand
So do you consider the hand held EMF meters to be useless in terms of investigating hauntings?
I wouldn’t say useless, but
I wouldn’t say useless, but they have their limits.
When I use them it is just for basic initial surveys of the location being investigated.
But if you are not then going to go ahead and do a more detailed survey with more specialised eqipment and actually do research into EMF’s at that location, then I am not sure how useful they would be to any given group.
EMF meters can be useful in
EMF meters can be useful in establishing if a place is electrically noisy, either once in a while or all the time. If so, you’d then need to do a survey with a magnetometer to properly characterise the field in case it might be causing hallucinations. Certainly, faulty mains equipment has been implicated in one or two cases as possibly causing ghosts and an EMF meter should give a first indication of this.
It’s a shame the sort of
It’s a shame the sort of electric and magnetic monitoring kit needed to really judge whether these factors are at play in a given "haunted" property are prohibitively expensive.
A proper scientific
A proper scientific education is perhaps the best investment. By this I mean everything from qualifications to just making sure you read material of the highest quality (good quality journals / books) and learn to think about them.
It will be more expensive than an EMF meter – but as investments go – it’s about the best one any of us can make!
What is a ghost? My
What is a ghost? My definition would be: "A human, or sometimes animal, figure seen by somebody who has reason to believe such a person is not present." I’m sure the wording could be improved.
Most ghosts turn out, on investigation, to be misperceptions. Others may be hallucinations, in some cases induced by such things as magnetic fields. The cause of the remainder is, in my opinion, unknown at this time. Given their often reported lack of interaction with witnesses, the popular theory that they are spirits seems the least likely option.
There are reports of
There are reports of apparitions seeming to interact with witnesses – in at least one case appearing to leave red marks on the witness’ neck.
You’re right, though, that it is little reported compared to the amount of apparition sightings in general.
One tentative suggestion may be that a "ghost" is a combination of objective environmental factors and subjective human interpretation. That is to say that there’s something in the environment that causes localised, repeated and independent sightings of similar apparitions, yet inevitably our own minds put their own spin on it, even to the point of psychosomatic effects like those red marks.
The case of Blue Bell Hill – where a range of witnesses over a period of decades have reported sighting different apparitions yet with repeated motifs – seems to fit this model.
Ophiel wrote:
A proper
[quote=Ophiel]A proper scientific education is perhaps the best investment. By this I mean everything from qualifications to just making sure you read material of the highest quality (good quality journals / books) and learn to think about them.[/quote]
Couldnt agree more Ophiel. I think also establishing good working relationships within areas that you don’t much about is worth investing in. We cannot make ourselves experts in every field
[quote=Matt.H]One tentative suggestion may be that a "ghost" is a combination of objective environmental factors and subjective human interpretation. That is to say that there’s something in the environment that causes localised, repeated and independent sightings of similar apparitions, yet inevitably our own minds put their own spin on it, even to the point of psychosomatic effects like those red marks[/quote]
EMF related and if there is an hallucination component to hauntings then surely the individual’s subconscious or conscious mind will have some input so yes I would agree with you Matt.
But what makes people have similar experiences when they have no knowledge of other reported activity? Is it some visual or audio stimulus in the haunted location that setting the subconcious down a certain train of thought, hence influencing any subsequent hallucination? Who knows?
Perception and Anomalous Experience
It seems apparent that there may be a magnetic component to many reported disturbances and anomalies. Whether this is an electromagnetic or geomagnetic component may be irrelevant.
At least three phenomena categories may be characterized as PK, Interactions, and non-Interactions. Many people also call Interactions "Apparitions" and non-interactions "Hauntings" or sometime "Residuals." We do have a terminology issue here, but that is beside the point.
It makes sense that these three categories may be related but at the same time use quite different mechanisms. PK for example seems to be highly sensitive to the presence of some forms of magnetic fields. These have been reliably noted in many examples suggestive of PK namely poltergeist cases.
Apparitions (interactive phenomena) seem aware of their enviornment and those in it. I have had interactions with some things in various environments that seem quite aware of my presence and what I am doing. Apparitions in my experience can appeal to most any sense.
Hauntings (non-interactive phenomena) seem unaware of observers or of modern environments. These are typified by the ‘walk through the wall’ examples, although this may not be uniquely true in every case.
Consider that if it is possible for humans (and other animals for that matter) to interact inter-dimensionally with something we might loosely term "consciousness" then such interactions might explain a number of otherwise apparently anomalous phenomena, including specifically apparitions and hauntings. In fact, one of the "hard problems" of consciousness research is the location of memory. There is no agreed-upon locus for memory as of the present time. If memory itself turns out to be inter-dimenisiona, is it really so great a leap to conceptualize the ability to interact not only with our own memories but those of others, including those who may be deceased? I propose this is an excellent starting point to develop a theory of survival potential which over a long period of time might ultimately prove testable. Not in the short term though, since science is not yet at a state where such things can be seriously contemplated.
At the same time, there is an interesting relationship between PK and Apparitions. It may be that PK effects are not only the product of living agents as currently believed, but may in fact in addition be a behavior of discarnate agents. Successful experiments in remote intention, including research of my own, suggests that a non-local effect can be intentionall produced on target locations and objects. Once we understand the mechanism used by living agents we may be able to extrapolate how and likely whether such effects might be produced absent an incarnate body.
So the EMF is in my opinion, nothing more than an indicator of real or potential activity and is by no means an absolute indicator per se.
My humble opinion
Apparitions (interactive phenomena) seem aware of their enviornment and those in it. I have had interactions with some things in various environments that seem quite aware of my presence and what I am doing. Apparitions in my experience can appeal to most any sense.
I totally agree with the above.All the ‘apparations’ I have interacted with over the years where totally aware of my presence.I think the individual apparation’s level of awareness varies,as do us humans awareness of them do,it all depends on the individual.
Think of the physical human body as a piece of clothing you take off at the end of the day(death),youre base energy/conciousness remains the exact same.
As for why some people go through a entire lifetime without experiencing any paranormal phenomenon…if you where a energy in spirit form,would you communicate or make your personality known to every Tom,Dick and Harry that invades your personal space?I think not.
Hang on a minute DV, are you
Hang on a minute DV, are you talking about those ‘spirits’ you see that other people don’t? I wouldn’t count those as apparitions or ghosts. When I talk about ghosts I mean human figures seen by ordinary, non-psychic folk from time to time. These are not usually reported to interact or, be aware of, witnesses.
I would have to agree with
I would have to agree with Mysteryshopper here about the definition of an apparition but I would love to hear more about how you experience "spirits" Domos in other parts of the forum.