What Makes An Investigator Tick?

What Makes An Investigator Tick?

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6 Responses

  1. Mysteryshopper says:


  2. Agricola says:

    A desire to follow in the
    A desire to follow in the footsteps of Yvette Fielding and Derek Accorah???

    Sorry couldn’t resist.

    • Daniel Parkinson says:

      Agricola wrote:
      A desire to

      [quote=Agricola]A desire to follow in the footsteps of Yvette Fielding and Derek Accorah???

      Sorry couldn’t resist.[/quote]
      I imagine the view is better following in Yvette’s footsteps đŸ˜‰

  3. Ian Topham says:

    I was going to say that it
    I was going to say that it is probably easier to establish what motives those who don’t stay in it long term, such as thrill seekers etc, but I found Mystershoppers answer so concise and maybe accurate :).

    So was it Yvette that inspired you Agricola?

  4. Matt.H says:

    I’d say curiosity
    I’d say curiosity

  5. BaronIveagh says:

    Curiosity involving
    Curiosity involving mortality.  The need to know for certain what happens to us after death.

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