Appuldurcombe House

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2 Responses

  1. cindybee says:

    Re: Appuldurcombe House
    I stayed there with my husband in one of the cottages several years ago. I was outside having a cigarette at dusk. I looked up and on the road that led from the manor house was a misty form, drifting along the the road. I dropped the cigarette and ran into the cottage to get my husband. Now, at that point I was not aware of any hauntings there at all. The next day we went into the Visitors’ Center and I found a book on the hauntings around the Isle of Wight and much info on Appuldurcombe House, however nothing specifically about a sighting in the farmhouse area where I was. I had read recently that the Stable Cottage near where I was was haunted.

  2. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Appuldurcombe House
    Thanks for adding your experience Cindybee.  I wonder if anyone else has experienced anything on that bit of road.