Spooky goings on at Warwick Castle

Spooky goings on at Warwick Castle

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2 Responses

  1. Ian Topham says:

    Thanks fo rthe link Vix, the
    Thanks fo rthe link Vix, the accounts sound interesting.  I’ve never been to Warwick Castle but I did take part in an investigation of a pub that is just outside the castle walls.

  2. BaronIveagh says:

    I really dislike the idea of
    I really dislike the idea of a torture themed anything.  People who engender bad emotions are a miserable enough lot, modifying an old castle to accommodate such a thing is the whoring out of history and thusly even worse. 

    Rather like when Disney wanted to put a theme park on the site of the Battle of Bull Run…

    Summum Nec Metuam Diem Nec Optima