Understanding- mediumship

Understanding- mediumship

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2 Responses

  1. mystic says:

    Re: Understanding- mediumship
     To whom it may concern,  first of all where is your evidence for this karmic retribution?  Karma is not only for revenge it is for good as well.  It could be also called the  law of cause and effect. It is impartial but is subtle not a sledgehammer.  It works like Egyptian Goddess Ma,at  who ruled the law of justice in the Universe. If we went  to th resemblance just "killing Souls" we would learn nothing to bring our Souls  to higher  knowledge.  Every Spiritual law has its counter point here  on Earth  or they try approximate  the  harmony  and peace here

  2. Rwth of Cornovii says:

    Re: Understanding- mediumship
    It is my belief that no matter what was done to you in the past, you can progress only if you try honestly to give help to anyone who needs it. To overcome your anger in this life against those who have hurt you, and to rise above it.

    Those who can not overcome their hurt and rage are possibly fulfilling their task of evil through which in contrast, a weak soul will strengthen and a stronger one will lead a way out of evil and sadness.

    I’m sure the karmic message is to do as well as you can, and ask those you have hurt from the bottom of your heart to forgive you, because you are sorry you hurt them.