Why we fear ghosts

Why we fear ghosts

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23 Responses

  1. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
    Hi Windtalker, welcome to the website.  I take it that you see some subjects as being interlinked, such as ghosts and mediumship or clairvoyance but don’t think they could be totally unrelated?

    How did you find out you were one of the 300?

  2. robbiethered says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
    I have to say, what bothers me about the "past lives" thing, is that almost all such reports are romantic, historical and significant in history. They’re all something that we’d like to be. I’ve never heard one case of, for example, somebody having been a binman, or a totally ordinary such person. Theyr’e all striking, interesting figures. I’m not a big fan of it myself, and being a career occultist I would be interested, but I’ve not found any real evidence. Nearly all the women I’ve known in Dianic covens claim to have been burned at the stake etc, when very few were, in historical truth. Yet this is often used to rationalise and pseudo-justify their obnoxious and paranoid hatred of blokes. Anyone can say anything, I suppose, but to actually demonstrate something as true and valid is another matter entirely. Many times I’ve risen to the challenge and invited people to join me in rituals, whereupon they’re actually felt the energies I raise which they never thought were real, and they either treat me very differently afterward or they run a mile and avoid me ever afterward, ha ha. At least I prove my case.
    No disrespect to you, Windtalker.
    Like your nickname, by the way.

  3. Lionidas says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
    [quote=WINDTALKER]Hi guys,
    my fear of the dead started many life times ago when i was a spartan ,i was one of the three hundred spartans , and i died at thermopylae , in 480 bc, when we all died from the arrowe we did not stop the fight , all 300 of us went into the underworld , and attacked all the demons and hostiles in the underworld .

    I !!! AM !!! SPARTA !!!

    It is wonderful to track down a fellow Spartan! Each day I reminise on the bravery and courage shown by my warriors at Thermopylae, I am glad you were there . . . . unless you are Ephialtes? You are not Ephialtes are you? You are a COWARD! if you are . . . .MODERATORS!!! if this man is Ephialtes I demand that his priviallages are revoked immediately!! . . . . but chances are you are not, you are one of my brothers! . . .

    I had the best days of my life . . . back in the Summer of 480BC!! What a song that would have been if only Brian Adams has thought about it properly.

    Tell me brother, do you think our downfall was the lack of Thespians?

  4. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
    I wondered how long it would take for more Spartans to show up.  Welcome to the site Lionidas.  I must admit, like Robbiethered I am somewhat unconvinced with past lives but find the topic interesting.

    As for energies in occult rituals robbiethered I have a fair idea of what you are talking about having had a few experiences myself, but, these energies cannot be identified and measured, so are they really there?  Maybe the ritual preperation in some leads to us being mistaken,  I don’t know.

    As for the Spartans again I don’t understand why they would go oand attack demons in the underworld.  What is all that about?

  5. Lionidas says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
    It’s interesting that you should be so sure that the energies you refer to cannot be measured.  It is true to say that with the technology available to the human race that these energies cannot be measured, or as yet, the human race has not discovered how to measure them, this does not mean that they cannot be measured.

    It is the very nature of human beings to dismiss things that our technology and science does not allow us to understand and ultimately control.

    It is possible to be regressed through hypnosis, as I am sure you are well aware, to a past life.  There are many cases of such hypnosis where during the regression the subjects have been able to describe in detail things which were historically or factually correct that they could not have known in this life.  Again, the difficulty is that we cannot understand this, our world dictates that science should be able to explain how this works . . .and if it can’t then it should be passed off as nonsense.

    Tis a strange way of thinking we have all developed as a species.

    The humans of today would not have been able to fight for Sparta!  Closed minds and tunnel vision make not a Sparta Warrior!

    I     AM    SPARTA!

  6. robbiethered says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
    Oh, dear.

  7. Red Don says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
    I think this is being dragged off Windtalker’s original subject metter.  Surely we are afraid of ghosts because they are unusual and more probably because we are taught to be afraid, through ghost stories and hollywood films such as Poltergeist.

  8. Lionidas says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
    [quote=Red Don]I think this is being dragged off Windtalker’s original subject metter.  Surely we are afraid of ghosts because they are unusual and more probably because we are taught to be afraid, through ghost stories and hollywood films such as Poltergeist.[/quote]

    . . . . and THE 300!!!

  9. Lionidas says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
    For those of you who are unaware of the location of my SPARTA, see below!

  10. Lionidas says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
    Today has been a most difficult day for your king.

    I awoke this morning and my bedside table collapsed! I threw it from my castle window in rage, the serfs could hear me scream “this bedroom accessory is NOT FIT FOR SPARTA!!!”

    So i decided to invade a neighbouring city. I chose wisely, as when I returned from ARGOS I had claimed a most sturdy item to replace it.


  11. robbiethered says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
    Oh dear again!

  12. Lionidas says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
     For those of ou who have not visited the place of dreams!


  13. robbiethered says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts

  14. robbiethered says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
    It’s up to the site owners and moderators whether they tolerate this mate! Personally I think it’s fairly funny and not offensive, even though I’m mad on ancient Greek legends as it happens! I personally don’t mind such a wind-up, I trhink it’s funny!

  15. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
    [quote=robbiethered]It’s up to the site owners and moderators whether they tolerate this mate! Personally I think it’s fairly funny and not offensive, even though I’m mad on ancient Greek legends as it happens! I personally don’t mind such a wind-up, I trhink it’s funny!

    As long as it is kept in good humour and not malicious it should be ok, but I really appreciate Windtalkers and think could be a great topic once we get past the sillyness.

  16. robbiethered says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts

    Can we have an opinion from the mods and/or site owners, please?

    I do have to say, hypothetically, this would put me in a little bit – (Not a big, but a little bit) – of a quandary.

    I don’t personnally find this stuff offensive- I think it’s silly and Monty Python-ish.

    Nevertheless, I’m a bit worried how others may take it. The joke, though blatantly obvious to many, could potentially be offensive to some. It really depends how you are received, perhaps?

    Well, even if you don’t  agree, can we get this looked at, please?

  17. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
    I am the site owner Robbie.  I have had a quiet word with Lionidas and hopefully the sillyness will stop.  If anyone is offended please let me know and I’ll lock the topic.  I don’t believe any of it was malicious and we are happy to see jokes in moderation as long as they are in good taste and not offensive.  I have not however heard any complaints about these posts as of yet.

  18. robbiethered says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
    Good, thanks.

    I’m not offended as I say, but the important thing was for mods and the site owner to see it, that’s all.
    I’ve no real idea, it could even be a regular having a laugh, for all I know!

  19. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
    No worries Robbie, I’ve been keeping my on this.  Lionidas is not one our regular posters and eventhough it was funny I nipped it in the bud before he got out of hand……I hope:)

  20. robbiethered says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
    All right,good

    Anyway, let’s get back on to our fave subjects, and why we’re here at all, i.e. mysticism, ghosts, the occult and what is commonly termed, the supernatural!

    Bringing it right back to source…

  21. BaronIveagh says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
    People fear ghosts for two reasons: one, they symbolize death, something all humans are hardwired to fear.  Two, they represent the unknown, and, as lovecraft once said, the oldest and strongest fear is the fear of the unknown. 

    Thus, humans fear, usually, ghosts.  It’s not so much that they exist, but the things they represent.

    Summum Nec Metuam Diem Nec Optima

  22. Daniel Parkinson says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
    [quote=BaronIveagh]People fear ghosts for two reasons: one, they symbolize death, something all humans are hardwired to fear.  Two, they represent the unknown, and, as lovecraft once said, the oldest and strongest fear is the fear of the unknown. 

    Thus, humans fear, usually, ghosts.  It’s not so much that they exist, but the things they represent.

    Summum Nec Metuam Diem Nec Optima


    I think that about sums it up really, I wouldn’t say there was much more to add – fear of the supernatural is really fear of the unknown

  23. bedb says:

    Re: Why we fear ghosts
    hey I used to think I was a Spartan too…during the time of Brasidas though. But a friend of mine….a very wise man….told me that I was just sensitive to time itself….that I was in tune with the ebbs and flows. That’s why some things totally unrelated to one another…at least when I first get involved with it…..appeal to me. You can imagine my surpise when I find a connection.

    Oh…fellow Spartans….doesn’t it just tick you off to no ends that the modern writers can’t tell the difference between or cheese game at the alter of Artemis to the brutal post Roman conquest monstrosity that no real Spartan would have allowed?