Jack Upperton’s Gibbet

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1 Response

  1. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Jack Upperton’s Gibbet
    The following was e-mailed in by a reader:

    Hi, I used to visit the Gibbet (JU’s) regularly in around 1971. It didn’t look like the one in the picture here, and the location is wrong too. But,then I heard they moved it to preserve the site from grave hunters.  The original post was black, about five and a half feet tall and had a small black wooden sign with JU 1771 on it and a small carved gallows on it. Very neatly carved.  I also know of people who have tried to spend the night up there and all of them failed. Too scary! I used to regularly walk my dog there, one evening I misjudged the time and darkness fell quicker than I had wished for, I never did that again.