Country and County: Somerset

Beast of Banwell (2007)

In September 2007 an unidentified animale tagged the Beast Banwell was seen by Helen Stokes whilst she walked her dog. The following article entitled ‘Back – the Beast of Banwell’ from the Eastern Daily Press website is dated 14 September 2007.

Strada Restaurant, Bath

The Strada restaurant in Beau Nash House, Saint John’s Place, Bath is beside the Theatre Royal and as the building name suggests it was lived in by the dandy Richard Beau Nash (Born 18 October 1674 – Died 3 February 1761).

Raining Jellyfish (1894)

In 1894 jellyfish were apparently reported falling like rain from the sky in Bath.  If anyone knows any further details about this event please leave a comment below. 

Linley House, 1 Pierrepoint Place, Bath

The Bath Festival Office, which several decades ago was the scene of some strange experiences, can be found at Linley House, 1 Pierrepoint Place, Bath.

Curfew Inn, Bath

The Curfew Inn at 11 Cleveland Place, Bath dates from around the 1820’s.  It was designed by Henry Edmund Goodridge (Born 1797 – Died 26 October 1864) who’s other work include the Grade II listed Cleveland Bridge in Bath and the folly now known as Beckford’s Tower though originally named Lansdown Tower.  

Royal Victoria Park, Bath

Opened in 1830 by Princess Victoria (24 May 1819 – 22 January 1901) (Queen Victoria from 20 June 1837), the Royal Victoria Park is 57 aces in size.  The following account by the author Andrew Green (28 July 1927 – 21 May 2004) describes haunting experiences from the 1976 on the Park’s Gravel Walk. 

The Grappa Wine Bar

The Grappa Wine Bar on Lansdown Road, Bath was originally a public house known as the Beehive which in the 1970’s had a reputation for being haunted by a friendly serving maid which the licensees referred to as Bunty.


Paranormal Somerset by Sonia Smith

Everyone loves a good ghost story, as a kid it’s what got me interested in the paranormal and it’s what will hopefully get the next generation interested in finding out more. Most ghost books review accounts and experiences but this one takes a story and gives it a fictional twist with characters so that you become involved in the story and identify with the events surrounding them.