Forums: Clairvoyance and Mediumship

Discussions on psychic ability. Please share your views and experiences.

physcic freind meet hampshire

physcic freind meet hampshire

is there anyone with physcic abilities who i can meet to be freinds with i live near winchester hampshire

Level 9 Magician

Level 9 Magician

I recently heard of a local group (that seemed to implode) that, amongst its members had someone claiming to be a Level 9 Magician.  I assume he he was talking about himself, not his favourite Dungeons and Gragons character.  Assuming we are taking reality and not delusion here, it makes me wonder who put this level system in, who grades it and at what level can you throw fire balls.

never told the wife……

never told the wife……

i woke one morning with the memory of getting out of bed in the night, and looking out of a window (except there was no window where i looked out, it was an internal wall) and seeing a 747 “jumbo” jet crashing, except there were no side windows in the fusealge

Understanding- mediumship

Understanding- mediumship

Dear friends.

This world, is a school of learning, a place where spiritual beings like ourselves can learn from the multitude of lessons, that life offers.

It would be wise to understand spiritual laws before visiting a medium, in that this world is full of karma , karma is when you expereince, a situation ,on yourself that you have inflicted on to another.

Can psychic powers be developed?

Can psychic powers be developed?

 I don’t have any psychic powers as yet, but wish I could. I feel that they would make life a bit more interesting. Can this be learned? Can I for instance learn to see auras and ghosts? Can I learn to dream about the future? In short, can psychic powers be developed? 

Colin Fry

Colin Fry

I was wondering what anyones thoughts were about Colin Fry.

Residual Energy

Residual Energy

Residual energy is a phrase that Derek Acorah comes out with frequently and I have heard other psychics use it as well.  So, what is this energy?  How is it left?  How can it be measured?